Create an ERC-20 Token
In this guide, we'll demonstrate how to create a custom ERC-20 token on the eSync Network using the Hardhat development environment. Hardhat is a popular development tool for building smart contracts on the Ethereum network.
We'll use the OpenZeppelin contracts, which are a suite of reusable, secure smart contracts. These contracts have been thoroughly tested and audited by the community, which provides developers with a solid foundation to build upon, while reducing potential security risks associated with building smart contracts from scratch. We'll then deploy the contract on the eSync Network Testnet and the eSync Network Mainnet.
- Node.js (version 12.x or higher): Install it from here
- A code editor like Visual Studio Code: Install it from here
Step 1: Set up the development environment
First, create a new directory for your project and navigate into it using the command line:
mkdir my-erc20-token
cd my-erc20-token
Initialize a new Node.js project:
npm init -y
Install Hardhat and its dependencies:
npm install --save-dev hardhat @nomiclabs/hardhat-waffle ethereum-waffle chai @nomiclabs/hardhat-ethers ethers
Create a Hardhat configuration file:
npx hardhat
Select "Create an empty hardhat.config.js" when prompted.
Open the hardhat.config.js
file in your code editor and replace its contents with the following code:
module.exports = {
solidity: "0.8.19",
networks: {
ecredits: {
url: "",
accounts: ["your_private_key_here"],
gasPrice: 20000000000, // 20 Gwei
ecredits_test: {
url: "",
accounts: ["your_private_key_here"],
gasPrice: 20000000000, // 20 Gwei
Replace "your_private_key_here"
with your private key that you use for deployment.
Install the openzeppelin/contracts package:
npm install @openzeppelin/contracts
Step 2: Create the ERC-20 token contract
In your project directory, create a new directory called contracts
and a new file inside it called MyToken.sol
mkdir contracts
touch contracts/MyToken.sol
Paste the following Solidity code into MyToken.sol
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.8.19;
import "@openzeppelin/contracts/token/ERC20/ERC20.sol";
contract MyToken is ERC20 {
constructor(uint256 initialSupply) ERC20("MyToken", "MTK") {
_mint(msg.sender, initialSupply * 10**18);
Note: You can use the OpenZeppelin Contracts Wizard to extend your ERC-20 Token with additional functionality.
Step 3: Compile the smart contract
Compile the contract using Hardhat:
npx hardhat compile
Step 4: Deploy the ERC-20 token to the eSync testnet
Create a new directory called scripts
and a new file inside it called deploy.js
mkdir scripts
touch scripts/deploy.js
Paste the following JavaScript code into deploy.js
async function main() {
const [deployer] = await ethers.getSigners();
console.log("Deploying contracts with the account:", deployer.address);
const MyToken = await ethers.getContractFactory("MyToken");
const token = await MyToken.deploy(1000000); // Deploy with an initial supply of 1,000,000 tokens
console.log("Token deployed to:", token.address);
.then(() => process.exit(0))
.catch((error) => {
Now, make sure that your account specified in hardhat.config.js
has some ECS to pay the gas fees for the deployment and deploy the contract to the eSync testnet:
npx hardhat run --network ecredits_test scripts/deploy.js
If the deployment is successful, the console will display a message with the contract address. Save this address as you will need it to interact with your ERC-20 token.
Once the deployment is done, you will see a "Token Minting" transaction at the eSync Testnet Block Explorer.
Step 5: Interact with your ERC-20 token
You can interact with your token by using Hardhat's console:
npx hardhat console --network ecredits_test
Then, you can instantiate your token contract:
const token = await ethers.getContractAt(
Replace "the_token_contract_address"
with the address of your deployed token contract.
Now, you can call the contract's methods. For instance, to check the total supply:
const totalSupply = await token.totalSupply();
console.log("Total supply is: ", totalSupply.toString());
To check the balance of an account:
const balance = await token.balanceOf("the_account_address");
console.log("Balance is: ", balance.toString());
Replace "the_account_address"
with the address you want to check.
Remember to exit the console once you're done:
Step 6: Deploy the token to the eCredits Mainnet
Repeat Step 4, but use --network eCredits
instead of --network eCredits_test
Make sure that your account has some eCredits for the deployment.
Congratulations! You have just created your own ERC-20 token on the eCredits network using Hardhat. With your token now deployed, you can start building decentralized applications (dApps) around it or even distribute it to other users.
Remember to test your contract extensively and possibly get a security audit before using it in a production environment.